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Educator and Online Instructor to Creative and Business Professionals

Online graphic design course

Design a website with Photoshop

This course teaches anyone how to design a website like a professional.

In this step-by-step online course, you can finally overcome barriers stopping you from designing a website.


Finally, Get Your Business Online

Learn what you need to know to design a website with this course.

Take a look at the four-step course outline to see what access will give you.

  1. Getting Started: Really understand your website goals and desired outcomes for your online presence. Learn what type of website you actually need based on products, services, software feature needs while staying within a budget.

  2. Prepare Your Content To Design It: Learn about the type of creative assets you need to get started on the design stages so you can actually finish designing the website

  3. Explore Photoshop: Get a crash course on Photoshop tools, including how to use design principles for web design. Learn how to design a website from scratch with the tools and principles of design for a WordPress theme, Shopify or Squarespace template.

  4. Put it All Together: Learn exactly how to put together a final web design package for either in-house teams or to outsource the website build. If you are a creative or designer you’ll learn what to include for a final client package.

With access to the online classroom you can read the step-by-step process on how to design a website. Or watch and listen to the videos to follow along with visual screencast instructions.



the course Learning Outcomes

Logo design is important to your business and professional success because…👇

You need to know:

  1. What type of website you actually need based on your product and services and software feature needs, affordability for lean budgets

  2. What you really need to know about competitive research analysis for web design and how you’ll benefit from doing this type of research

  3. The long-term value in content planning for usability and SEO

  4. What website platform suits you best based on your goals and to suit your budget and not because someone wants to sell you something

  5. How to go about design for responsive websites, use web fonts, and colour theory for the web to carry through all your digital and online presence

  6. How to apply design principles for web design that actually makes sense to you

The Course Details

  • Four-step course: Includes audio, videos and written step-by-step course content in every section

    • Don’t want to watch all the videos? Read the instructions instead. They are easy and quick do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions. You’ll get a printable PDF guide which is a great resource for those who are tactile learners and like to use touch to interact with learning materials

  • A mix of short and comprehensive online videos: stream on-demand for self-paced learning

  • Ask questions and leave comments: every step of the way

  • Access to future Q&A webinars: ask unique and specific questions for your project

  • Discount code: Registration comes with 10% off success services so you can get extra help when needed



👉 Do you know someone who will benefit from this online web design classroom course? Share it! 👌


“Christine’s teaching style makes it easy for everyone to understand Design—she gave us lots of practical examples, tips and tricks of how to apply design principles with real life scenarios of where apply the knowledge. She answered all our questions!”


The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada


This Online Course is for you 🙌


If you need to know all about the web design process from start to finish:

  • What type of website you actually need based on your product and services plus software feature needs

  • Match and balance your web design budget to keep costs down, stay affordable and save big

  • What you really need to know about competitive research analysis for your website and why you’ll benefit from doing the research and innovate your industry or business sector

  • Strategic content planning for SEO that you can build into your design (no lorem ipsum!) so it actually makes sense

  • What website content management platform suits you best based on your budget, time and ability (WordPress, Squarespace, Shopify or Adobe Portfolio)

  • The basics of what you need to know about how to design a responsive website 

  • How to use web-fonts, web design colour theory for your website, and also how to make a mood board so you can use it consistently for all your other web graphic needs

  • Get practical and learn about and how to use design principles for web design that will actually make sense to you


There are Extras Included 💪

There is a lot of planning, strategy, and research to do before designing a website. Plus there’s the learning curve of how to use Photoshop to design with. To save you time, I put together a batch of helpful resources to make it even faster and easier to finish your website design project.

This is what’s all extra included with your access to the online classroom:

  1. Digital workbook (Google Drive Doc) template

  2. Style guide (Google Drive Doc) template

  3. Course guide (PDF) to print out

  4. Website template package that you can customize and make your very own which includes:

    • Wireframe template (Illustrator file)

    • Website favicon template (Photoshop file)

    • Website template (Photoshop file)

    • Website style guide template (Photoshop file)

  5. 10% discount off success services


Ask Me anything

Do you need 1:1 time? I am available to discuss your project with affordable office hour sessions. Schedule a time to ask me anything about your design project.

When you purchase the class I will give you a 10% discount code off success services like the office hour sessions.

Discovery sessions are available to see if this service is a fit for you.

Schedule a 20-discovery call today. Free!



A Message from Christine

"Set yourself up for success."

I made this course so you'd be set up for success in business, whether that's working as an employee, entrepreneurial freelancer, designer, or running any type of small business.

It’s important for me to share a web design course that’s affordable to help you get to where you want to be, and get your business online, plus gives you the confidence needed to source out ways for cost-effective web technologies that suit your budget.

I literally walk you through the entire process of web design from competitive research, products and services and feature benefits, to knowing what the right website build platform is for you. We talk wireframes, navigation, and I even talk you through a follow-along video of how to get started in Photoshop—everything you need about Photoshop tools so you can actually design a website independently.

I tell you absolutely 100% everything you need to know about web design, including all the careful planning things to consider about choosing a content management system like WordPress, Squarespace and Shopify. We get real and discuss affordability to suit your budget, plus tons of other things you might be unsure about when it comes to using web technologies.

I understand people have different learning styles, so I have written instructions to read on screen, and for those who need a tactile version of instructions, you can download a printable workbook in PDF format. Every section of each step includes video instruction, where I talk and show you every step to take for the visual and auditory learners.

Let's design your website!
